Commercial and Multi-Use Licence
Details and “How to Apply”.
The standard purchase price for a downloadable game is for private party use only. If you wish to buy a game for a public event or a corporate setting, then you require a commercial multi-use licence which costs £60.00 per game.
The commercial multi- use version will legally allow you to use the game in a public setting. The multi-use version is unlimited and has no time limit.
Please contact us using the form below, to arrange a commercial multi-use licence.
For the games purchased via the ‘Host-Party’ site, these have there own Commercial and Multi-Use Licences available from that site.
A-Z of Direct Downloads
Registered Office: 5 Dinmore Grange, Hartshorne, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, England.
The background image of ‘The Haunted House’ has been provided by Daniele Montella